Summer has arrived in Atlanta. If high temperature, sweltering humidity, the Peachtree Road Race, and mosquitos were not enough, bullfrogs and fireflies treat us to a visual and auditory display on a summer evening. We have all heard bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) and seen the blinking of fireflies (Photuris lucicrescens) on a summer evening. Besides being… Continue reading
Post Category → Anthropology
Game of Drones
An employee of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency crashed a DJI Phantom 1 into the lawn of the White House about 3:00 a.m. Monday, January 26th. Alcohol may have been involved. The mangled wreck was all that remained of the $479 drone, save for the panic it created among Secret Service personnel charged with guarding the… Continue reading
Superbowl XLIX: An Anthropological Analysis
It’s that time of year and we are being carpet-bombed with Super Bowl ads and teasers. Millions of fans worldwide will be glued to their television sets on Sunday evening at 11:30 PM in London, 4:30 AM Monday in Kabul, Afghanistan, 7:30 AM Monday in Hong Kong, and 1:30 PM Sunday afternoon in Honolulu. To… Continue reading
College Bowl Charade 2014-5
On December 20th, five action-packed, thrill-a-minute excitement college football games were played, and you probably missed it. Believe it or not, the 2014 New Orleans, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Famous Idaho Potato, and Camellia Bowls are all history. But wait! There’s more, in fact, over thirty more are to come, but who cares? Save… Continue reading
Sartorial Splendor
Culture is an important determinant of human behavior, and pushes us to do things that make no sense, put us at serious risk, are expensive and non-utilitarian, or are just plain idiotic. The absurdity to which humans will go to gain prestige, express their inner child, or be the center of attention knows no bounds. … Continue reading